Counter in item of Navigation Drawer

Video shows How to set Counter in item of Navigation Drawer and how to Clear Badge to menu item of Navigation View in Android in Android Studio 4.0. Complete code to add badge to menu item android or add counter to navigationview menu item in Android App.
Tutorial helps to add menu item badge to navigation drawer or adding badge or count to the navigation drawer and also showing how to make android badge count xml for badge or count.

Sometimes need to clear counter of navigationview after fragment visited, so technique to clear count or badge value in the navigation drawer which on the right position as counter in item of navigation drawer.

it is java code for navigationview badge to set navigationview menu items with counter on the right which also includes implementation of notification badge in navigation drawer and also shows how to reset badge count android and set badge in navigation drawer menu item in android.

#badge #counter #navigationdrawer #navigation-drawer #drawerlayout #android