InputType number with Comma seperator in Android
This video focuses for input type number with Comma in Android and how to set Decimal separator comma in EditText in Soft Keyboard.
It is general that put dot in inputType=“numberDecimal” in EditText in Android app development in Android Studio, but many developer wants to deal with comma separator as input type number in edittext. we can set input type number comma and dot android both as decimal separator android studio, android change decimal separator by add comma in edittext android make your own android edittext decimal format with Soft keyboard with comma as decimal separator in android. we can use as currency comma separator by set format edittext number with comma in decimalformat android and also set edittext thousand separator by seperat with Decimal separator comma (',') where developer comment that by setting input type as numberdecimal, Edittext doesn't accept comma in Android, at this type of question can be answered by this YouTube video tutorial of InputType Number with Comma (,) in Android.
#edittext #comma #android
It is general that put dot in inputType=“numberDecimal” in EditText in Android app development in Android Studio, but many developer wants to deal with comma separator as input type number in edittext. we can set input type number comma and dot android both as decimal separator android studio, android change decimal separator by add comma in edittext android make your own android edittext decimal format with Soft keyboard with comma as decimal separator in android. we can use as currency comma separator by set format edittext number with comma in decimalformat android and also set edittext thousand separator by seperat with Decimal separator comma (',') where developer comment that by setting input type as numberdecimal, Edittext doesn't accept comma in Android, at this type of question can be answered by this YouTube video tutorial of InputType Number with Comma (,) in Android.
#edittext #comma #android